What are “Bow Legs”?
This is a condition where the knees are outside the midline of the upper and or lower legs. This can be to the point where the ankles are touching without the knee’s being able to touch one another.
Is having bow legs a normal part of development?
Bow legs, unlike knock knees, is not a normal part of the developmental process for kids. Although a wide base of gait (distance between the feet) is normal for kids aged between 1 and 3 this is not “bow legs” so to speak. It’s important if you feel your child has bow legs to have this checked to help rule out the following:
- Abnormal bone development
- Ricketts and/or Blounts Disease
- Fractures that may not have healed properly
- Osteoarthritic changes for when bow legs are developed in adulthood

What can we do for your child at Melbourne Sports Podiatry
- Immediate X-Ray referral with bulk billing options available
- Surgical referral with one of our affiliated orthopaedic surgeons
- Conservative treatment to assist with motor control and movement patterns
- Assist your child with measures to help reduce the effects of bow legs on athletic endeavours.
With no referral needed! You have the opportunity to address your concerns at Melbourne Sports Podiatry today. Our Sports Podiatrists are experienced with bow legs and many other conditions in the foot ankle and leg. So don’t wait, book the next available appointment today.