Sports and Custom Orthotics

Want to feel the amazing benefits of posture and support?

Melbourne Sports Podiatry works in conjunction with one of Australia's biggest custom foot orthotics laboratories, Footwork, to test and develop custom foot orthotics insert designs that allow for safe and accurate foot and ankle correction - as well as providing optimal comfort and support. These custom foot orthotics are moulded and created specifically in a way, which in comparison to your pre-fabricated orthotic insoles, are lighter, less bulky and more durable, all without compromising control.


Custom foot orthotics for sports and general wear are individually tailored foot insoles developed uniquely by different practitioners. Commonly misunderstood, custom foot orthotics have a greater purpose than merely to “support” the foot. At Melbourne Sports Podiatry we see custom foot orthotics as a tool to help align the joints within the foot so that the muscles above and within the foot are put into a position where they can generate more efficient leverage on the joint. This allows your bodies natural movement sequence to occur with minimal resistance and easier force production.

podiatry services dr singh

Who Designs your orthotics?

Dr Steven Singh (B. Pod) has spent over a decade not only practising the use of custom foot orthotics, but also teaching different design techniques and theories at La Trobe University.


Dr Singh understands that both your feet and your pelvis need to work together in sync to provide sensory feedback and stability for your body to have safe, efficient and strong movement. Hence sometimes you may find Dr Singh will recommend exercises and movement re-training instead of or in combination with providing your orthotic insoles.

Why should you choose us?

If you are at the stage where you feel orthotics are necessary then we understand how important it is for you to have your orthotics perfectly designed for your feet and footwear. Quite often we hear about orthotics being too bulky or too hard. This is not uncommon because every person has a different threshold to pressure and the positioning of their bodies alignment.

What are the different types of Orthotics?

custom orthotics

As you can imagine no two people are the same. Hence we need to be experienced in utilising materials that are hard, soft, flexible and lightweight. This is because quite often custom orthotics are not merely “ARCH SUPPORT”. Rather custom orthotics quite often need to be moulded and designed in a way to help with painful or stressful areas such as the lower back, knees, ankles, heels, big toes and the balls of the feet. Hence why Dr Singh prefers to custom mould feet rather than use a foot scanner. Because the way in which you feel when the foot is moved into position gives direct feedback to the pressures and materials required with the build of your orthotic.


Different styles of orthotics Dr Singh makes include:

  • Soft and Hard EVA based orthotics
  • Soft/Hard blended orthotics
  • Superlight three quarter length Nylon fibre orthotics
  • Superlight full-length Nylon fibre orthotics
  • Carbon fibre orthotics and spring plates
  • Cycling orthotics
  • Children's orthotics
  • Pressure relief padding - important for post-fracture, wound or irritable site

How do you know if you need orthotics?

There are a few common signs pointing to possibly needing custom foot orthotics

  1. Your pain will depend on what shoes you wear or how long you stand for
  2. If your shoes wear unevenly
  3. If the pain hasn’t subsided with conservative care or management

If you have any of the following symptoms, it is advisable to book an appointment with a trusted podiatrist. Keep an eye on the following:


  1. You have sharp heel pain. Plantar Fasciitis insoles may be able to assist with any foot pain or swelling you are experiencing. Plantar Fasciitis Insoles are only created when the plantar fascia has been properly examined for tears and co-existing pathologies.
  2. You have low back pain, knee pain, ankle pain or swelling.
  3. You have a flat foot or high arch (high arch supports are commonly designed orthotics)
  4. You're having problems with balance or are falling over
  5. You have had a lower limb injury
  6. You have diabetic foot complications

Your podiatrist will perform an initial assessment and will be able to assist you with the best custom orthotics.

podiatry services dr singh

Orthotic Treatment: The detailed process of creating orthotics at Melbourne Sports Podiatry


At Melbourne sports podiatry we see the orthotic as a design process that is developed once we have an idea of how you move and react to foot and ankle realignment. Hence very rarely will we provide orthotics on the first visit (unless requested). Instead, we will spend the initial session testing joint mobility, painful sites within the feet and legs, strength, balance and leave you wedged, taped or with a movement pattern to practice for 3 reasons:


  1. So that we can identify how your body reacts with a change to tissue stress and joint positioning before we create an orthotic that does that.
  2. The more thorough our assessment the less bulky or rigid our orthotics have to be because we are aiming to correct a specific movement or joint alignment.
  3. Orthotics are an investment no different to braces for your teeth so it’s important we get the first session done right before we mould your feet and design your orthotics.



After your first appointment at Melbourne Sports Podiatry, Dr Singh can determine with over a decade of clinical experience how he would like to design your orthotics. Hence the following takes place:


  • Dr Singh moulds your feet in his rooms and then has the moulds 3D scanned into a software system.
  • The design utilises the 3D scan version of your foot so changes can be easily made.
  • Dr Singh then uses The Footwork Laboratory to manufacture all his designs
  • Sometimes we will take away your sockliner or shoe to ensure the fit is perfect for your footwear.
  • Your designs are saved and if you love them and wanted a second pair you won’t have to go through this process again.


Once the design has been approved and checked, the orthotics will be created at the laboratory and then polished by hand. This is because your feet are so super sensitive and responsive to pressure. When the designs have been manufactured and delivered back the following takes place.


  • Dr Singh will call you to let you know they are ready. From beginning to end this process can take 3 weeks.
  • Orthotics are fitted to the footwear you bring in and an email will be delivered to you about how to wear and look after your custom orthotics.


  • We retain a great relationship with our patients because we only create orthotics when there is merit too, thus leading to the confidence we demonstrate when it comes to our quality guarantee and pricing.
  • We will happily amend at no additional cost to you, any issues you may find with your orthotics within the first month of wearing them in.
  • We only use quality materials, casting equipment and prescription processes.
  • In the event you ever lose your orthotics, our moulds are scanned and recorded so that we can provide you with the exact same orthotics with no appointment or mould cost required.
  • Children that require custom orthotic moulds as opposed to the kids orthotics will not incur any casting fees after the initial mould. This is important in the regular event where your child’s feet grows out of the orthotic. In this event, we will re-mould the feet and subsidise the full cost of the mould saving you $110 on any subsequent visit.

When it comes to concerns regarding hips, legs and feet, Melbourne Sports Podiatry is where you go to help get you feeling pain-free and back on your feet

We Accept All HICAPS Providers.

No referral is required.


When it comes to concerns regarding hips, legs and feet, Melbourne Sports Podiatry is where you go to help get you feeling pain-free and back on your feet.